Equine Case Studies | www.brownsvetphysio.
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Equine case studies


Case Study: Rehabilitating Parker - A Holistic Approach to Equine Well-being to rehabbing an off the track Thoroughbred



Donna, a canine vet nurse and physiotherapist, faced the challenge of addressing her OTT TB, Parker's, unique physical characteristics—lack of topline, high withers, and spine typical of Thoroughbreds. After observing signs of discomfort and a lack of enthusiasm when ridden, when he would keep stopping (probably because his saddle was pinching his withers), Donna embarked on a journey to enhance Parker's well-being and transform him into a happier, healthier horse.



To build Parker's muscle, address potential pain issues, and improve overall well-being using a natural and progressive approach.



  1. Difficulty in finding a suitable saddle due to Parker's changing shape and high-withered, high-spined Thoroughbred characteristics.

  2. Parker's unhappiness and reluctance under saddle, indicating potential pain or discomfort.



Donna chose a comprehensive four-month rehab and physio plan, focusing on ground-based exercises to build strength, balance, and coordination. 


A key decision was to abstain from riding Parker during this period to allow natural muscle development and avoid the challenges of saddle refitting.



Ground-Based Exercises: Donna and Parker diligently followed a structured ground-based exercise routine, tailored to Parker's specific needs. This approach aimed to develop foundational strength, improve balance, and enhance coordination without the added weight of a rider.


Regular Assessment: Donna, with my help and advice, regularly assessed Parker for signs of pain or discomfort. This proactive monitoring ensured that any issues were promptly addressed, contributing to Parker's overall well-being.


Bond Building: The absence of a rider allowed Donna to focus on building a stronger bond with Parker. This emotional connection played a crucial role in the success of their rehabilitation journey.



The four-month rehabilitation period yielded remarkable results:

  • Visible improvement in Parker's topline and overall muscle definition.

  • Transformation from a lean Thoroughbred to the epitome of health.

  • Positive changes in Parker's demeanour - he is happier, more focused, lighter in hand, and responsive under saddle.



Donna's commitment to Parker's well-being, coupled with a holistic and natural approach, led to a successful rehabilitation and a transformed equine companion. Their story highlights the benefits of prioritising a horse's physical and emotional health, showcasing the potential for a strong partnership and promising future adventures. 


This case study serves as an inspiration for horse owners seeking a thoughtful and progressive approach to equine rehabilitation.

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